Mission Statement

Enjoy Learning Together, henceforth referred to as ELT, is a home schooling cooperative functioning as a ministry to the community, and of Calvary Chapel McMinnville. Our function is to provide a cooperative learning environment as part of a total home schooling choice wherein we can be in obedience to God’s Word where we are instructed to “train up a child in the way they should go … ”


Article 1

As mentioned in the mission statement, ELT will operate under the authority of and as a ministry of Calvary Chapel McMinnville and will remain so until one or both parties elect to dissolve this relationship. Decisions regarding ELT structure, policies, rules, regulations, and specific issues are made by the ELT Board with input from the ELT families.

Article 2

ELT is a Christian, home schooling cooperative. The structure and focus will be inherently Christian, under the guidelines of the Bible, the Word of God. ELT participants do not need to profess or acknowledge their personal belief in the Christian faith, but they must agree to AND sign their acceptance of the ELT Statement of Faith.

Article 3

ELT is a home schooling cooperative. A cooperative will be defined as a group which is “working or acting together willingly for a common purpose”. (The Random House College Dictionary) In this case, it refers to a group which is working actively together to provide a group learning environment for home schooling families. As a cooperative, it requires that all participating families will share equally in the activities necessary in the operation of this unique educational opportunity. This may include teaching, cleanup, gym duty, helping with special ELT events, or other activities requested by or approved by the ELT Board.

Article 4

The ELT Board will consist of couples who have participated in ELT for a minimum of 2 years. If a Board vacancy occurs, it will be filled by appointment of the current ELT Board, with the approval of the pastoral staff. The ELT Board will accept and evaluate applications for ELT. Anyone teaching a class will be required to fill out a class outline that will be evaluated by the Board. The Board will make scheduling decisions and be responsible for week to week operations in various areas. The ELT Board, with prayer and input from participating ELT families will establish policies, rules and guidelines for the smooth operation of ELT. The ELT Board will enforce policies, rules and guidelines and attempt to problem solve issues and conflicts. The ELT Board upon appropriate request will consider a review of policies, rules, and guidelines by any participating ELT member.

treasurer will be appointed by the ELT Board to assist in record keeping, and financial matters involving ELT monies.

Coordinators will be appointed by the ELT Board to assist in certain areas of ELT operation.
The hierarchy of accountability in ELT is as follows:
The Calvary Chapel McMinnville Church Board
The Pastoral Staff of Calvary Chapel McMinnville
The ELT Board Members
The ELT Coordinators
The ELT Families